Sunday 3 November 2013


Hi everyone.....First of all wish u all a VERY HAPPY DIWALI....I know i m late and sorry for that

Let me start my non-sense now....i have two questions for you.....
            1. "Why do we celebrate Diwali??"
            2. "How do we celebrate Diwali??"
                       You must thinking that i have gone crazy with the festival fever but NO. let me start off...

Answers for my questions are as follows :
   1. As of our epics are concerned, be it in Treta yuga(where Sree ram came back to Ayodhya after his victory over Ravan{రావణాసురుడు }) or in Dwapar yuga ( considering narakasura's death) ,it is celebrated for the victory of morals/ethics.
   2. For the second question,my answer goes like this"we lighten lamps,wear new dresses,crackers,special food,temple, blah blah blah" .
      Now i have another question for you... "Why are we celebrating diwali now??"

                        So,by now you must have confirmed that i am completely let me explain my question...when narakavadha{నరకవధ }(death of narakasura{నరకాసుర }) and all other stories written in our puranas happened long back i.e. centuries back, why  are we still celebrating diwali?? now it must be making some sense.
                       Now the answer is really simple,it is just to remember that victory happens to be obvious for the one who stands for ethics and morals. on such auspicious occations we lighten lamps and hence ask god to enlighten us which is nothing but...
                         "tamasoma jyotirgamaya {తమసోమా  జ్యోతిర్గమయ }"
which means "bring us back to light from darkness".i neither suggest you to blindly follow or leave our traditions completely but it is better to understand the morals behind traditions.The intension behind celebrating a festival can never be polluting the environment.Neither Diwali is meant for creating noise and air pollution nor ganesh chaturthi is for polluting let us protect our environment.
    Wish a very happy and safe diwali to one and all....Astalivista

                               I would look forward for your support and expect your valuable can drop me a mail at my blog on g+ .

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